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Forest Days at Bradford Elementary School


Several weeks ago Andrew Deaett, Vital Communities Project Manager for Place-Based Education had the chance to connect with Megan Dubuque from Bradford Elementary School and to join her second-grade class for Forest Day. Learn more about her experience bringing Forest Days to Bradford.

Educator: Megan Dubuque and StephDiamondGrade level: 2nd gradeWhere: Bradford Elementary School,Bradford VermontWhat: Each Wednesday, Megan andSteph take their combined secondgrade outside to spend the morningand afternoon learning in the woods.Wednesday’s follow a predictableroutine:

Following an opening circle, students disperse throughout the woods to spend 10 minutes at their sit spots noting what has changed in the forest since their last visit. Megan and Steph then teach an academic lesson such as using objects found in the forest to visualize place values, and do addition and subtraction. Lunch is brought out from the school cafeteria on a wheeled cart, and students enjoy their lunch while sitting together around a fire. Students then leadexcursions such as games, nature study, and popcorn making.

After excursions, students returnto the fire and make snacks over the fire such as venison stew, hot cocoa, cornbread and muchmore! The afternoon ends with a closing circle around the fire where students share theirreflections and what they learned that day.

Most successful part: I would say the most successful part is just being able to make it happen. So many classes are struck by time and schedule and just can’t get out into the woods for a three hour chunk like we can. It took a lot of time and work with the master schedule and services to protect that time. It was also very successful to be given the donation for supplies and organization of materials.

Most exciting part as an educator: One of the most exciting parts of the program would be seeing students who don’t excel and lead in the classroom step into that natural role in the woods. It also excites me to see them so excited to go out. When they see animals in the woods they get so thrilled. Bringing that natural curiosity to them makes me inspired and hopeful that they will grow to love nature and being outside as much as I do.

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